UX Camp Hamburg 15-08-2015 Archive
Photos 2015
by Marcel Böttcher @73inches
Session 1
- Psychology in UX /Moritz Bittner :: Slides
- Datenvisualisierung Telling stories with data /Mayra De Ita infodesignerd
- Empathy What, Why and How? /Chaehan So agilebean :: chart, emotional contagion
- Uhrenvergleich Apple vs. Android /Markus Schmon & Friedrich Subklew
- The Product Field Canvas /Wolfgang Wopperer wowo101 :: Slides, photo, related video, home
- Me, Material & I A Material Design Case Study /Majd Al-Shihabi majdal & Wioleta Maj WioletaMaj
Session 2
- Insider’s Guide to Successful Products (and Relationships) /Magdalena Sitarek magdasitarek :: Slides
- Feedback on Concepts with AXE. Introduction & Demo. Early stage user research tool from Nokia/Aalto.fi /Ming Lee :: Slides
- Precious One Tenth /Florie Salnot Fl0rie :: photo
- Experiences with MethodKit by olamoller /Stephan Raimer curneth :: Sketchnotes
- Microfeedback /Julius Dietz juliusdietz :: Slides
- Blind Dates On the right choice of test users /Reto Lämmler rlaemmler :: Slides
Session 3
- The Magic of Motion How to enchant you users with animation /Christian Schäfer dwarv :: animated slides
- Bringing Taste to UX A novel approach to mass-customization of food products. And how to bring the world of spices to the screen /Sonja Schall :: Sketchnotes
- UX Research Quantifying experiences at Coremedia /kris_lohmann, Nils, Hannes :: Slides
- Live Usability Reviews /Marcel Böttcher @73inches & Andreas Dantz dantz; wirsindvier
- Smartwatch UX 7 Guidelines for greater Apps /Jörn @joernsie & Coci cg402038 :: Slides
- Strategic Planning + UX /Andreas
Session 4
- Animation in Axure /Juan Pao
- Prototyping /Markus Olhafen @_oelhafen
- Fuck your wireframes. Games /?
- UX Design with Distributed Teams … How to ideate, prototype and research remotely /Johannes Baeck jbaeck :: Slides, Sketchnotes
- Intuitive and Mobile App Onboarding /Michael Asshauer miolek
- Hyperlocal UX as the next level of mobile design challenges /Tung Nguyen spottung
Session 5
- Smart City /Karsten Meier :: Blog
- The Meaking of Rapid Prototyping A web story /Anil Kumar Krishnashetty anilbms75 :: Slides
- Designing with Meaningful Data /Christophe Stoll preciousforever :: Sketch Data Populator
- Do Not Track! Privacy, Datenschutz, Online-Sicherheit /Allan Jaeke
- Dark Patterns /Daniel Miebach @damiquo :: dark patterns, white patterns
- CRO + UX + Analytics /Ferdinand von Seggern ftotheerdi :: Slides